Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MSC: Zucchini Spice Cupcakes and Bridal Showers

It's the 15th of the month! You know what that means?

That's right! It's Martha Stewart Cupcakes time!

Let me just start out with a little disclaimer. These are not pretty. In fact, I only snapped maybe four pictures (two of which are out of focus. sweet.) because I wasn't feeling creative enough to somehow make the beige-ish cupcakes into works of art.

That being said, they are delicious! Really. Very autumn and definitely leaning toward a hint of Christmas. In fact, most years September tends to bring a feeling of dread since sweet summer is ending. BUT these little guys actually made me look forward to the flavors of fall and winter for once. I'm already getting excited about all the pumpkin treats to come! (Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte anyone?)

I was pretty excited to hear that Tracey from Tracey's Culinary Adventures had selected Martha's Zucchini Spice Cupcakes for September's recipe. I've wanted to try baking with zucchini for quite awhile, but never really got around to it. To make the recipe even more ideal, my bi-weekly fruit and veg delivery just happened to have a zucchini in it. Fate.

Since my kitchen seems to be pumping out cupcakes like crazy lately, I decided to try and make these bad boys as healthy and breakfast-y as possible. With that in mind I made the following tweaks:

- No walnuts. This was due to the fact that there were none in the cupboard and I was far too lazy to go buy some.
- No lemon zest. See above.
- Substituted the oil for unsweetened applesauce. goodbye fat!
- My zucchini was yellow. At first I thought "It simply MUST be green." Then I realized that zucchinis come in all shapes, colors, and sizes and who was I to discriminate? :)
- No frosting! Keepin it healthy. Although, I have tried the suggested cream cheese frosting and it is definitely a good one.

Simply put. Give these a try! They disappeared within a day...probably because I kept shoving them toward people loudly boasting of their "low fat, veggie-full, goodness." I do what I can.

This weekend was also spent putting together two bridal shower orders for Sunday. They were pretty straightforward, but it was the first time I was able to work with fondant and I really enjoyed it! Expect to see more fondant decorations in the future...

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment (and to redeem myself from the above snapshot):

Two dozen chocolate-vanilla cupcakes

The bride's name is Molly and her colors are burgundy, eggplant, and ivory!

Little fondant flowers

Bows in one of her colors!

The other order: 3 dozen minis in vanilla-vanilla and chocolate salted caramel


With more fondant flowers!

Hope you had a wonderful Tuesday!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wedding Season

I'm giving myself a pat on the back. Seriously.

Not only did I take pictures of the cupcakes I made for the wedding today, but here I am writing about it just a matter of hours after completion! In fact, the guests at the wedding are probably just starting to dig into the little guys.

Side view of the cupcake display

The bride and groom were SUPER laid back, which was fantastic for me. I basically had creative reign over the display and decorations and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

The flavor menu is as follows:

- Vanilla Cake with Lavender Frosting and Lavender Garnish

- Coffee Cake with Mocha Frosting and Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean

- Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting and a Cinnamon Dusting

The lavender cupcake is the bride's favorite from one of the local cupcake shops so I tried to replicate that for her. Of course, this meant I had to buy a few for research purposes. :)

The groom's favorite type of cake is spice cake. For this one, I hit up my trusty Martha Stewart's Cupcake recipe book. She hasn't let me down thus far! The recipe is called "Mrs. Kostyra's Spice Cupcakes" and would be a fabulous choice for the quickly approaching autumn.

Speaking of which...I'm not impressed. Dear Summer, could you please stop abandoning me for nine months? Thank you so much. P.S. I love you. (by the way, a great vacation read if you're looking for one)

But I digress...

My roommate came home from a baseball game toward the end of my baking marathon last night and said the house smelled like Christmas. I take that as a compliment...everyone loves Christmas right?

The coffee cupcakes. Well, those were a different matter all together.

I don't drink coffee very often and when I do I prefer to mask the actual coffee flavor with mass amounts of sugar, milk, and whatever other fancy additives Starbucks has to offer. With that in mind, I had trouble figuring out what roast to use for the cupcakes. I'm pretty sure I ended up selecting a mild one, which resulted in the cupcakes tasting more like pancakes than coffee.


Literally. Pancakes. The kitchen smelled like pancakes. They tasted like pancakes. The batter looked like pancake batter.

"Hi, excuse me Mr. Groom and Miss Bride, instead of coffee cupcakes I decided to shake things up a little bit and make PANCAKE flavored cupcakes!"

Luckily after frosting the little guys with a generous helping of mocha frosting they ended up tasting like coffee. Thank goodness. The actually ended up being my favorite! But shhhh...don't tell the other cupcakes...

See? Aren't they adorable?

The Spice Cupcakes!

I didn't take any close up shots of the lavender cupcakes. They were sort of like the red headed step child of the group. Also, the lighting in the venue was at an awkward point so I didn't manage to get a really solid photo of the whole setup. Here's one to give you an idea:

Alright. I officially need a nap. I've been up since six making and sampling frosting and my sugar high is long gone.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Old School

It's officially been 11 days since my birthday.

I guess that means it's coming to the point where it's no longer acceptable to drag out my celebrations. However, I will proudly say that this year I managed to make my birthday into a week-long present fest.

I am now the proud owner of this bad boy:

My precious

E really pulled through with this one. Isn't it beautiful?? I've already used it a few times and I can't understand how I ever baked without it! Please don't be too jealous.

In other news...

As usual I'm pretty terrible at taking pictures when I bake and so most of the projects I work on are not documented. Oops...

But, for your enjoyment/amusement, I've decided to share one of my early cupcake decorating attempts. I'd say it's not too bad for using a zip lock bag to pipe the designs! These babies were for the Superbowl.

Shabby chic. Or something...

I'm baking cupcakes for a wedding this weekend and have made it a resolution to take pictures this time. This may or may not pan out. Stay tuned...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

MSC: Chocolate Salted-Caramel Cupcakes

Guess who's back???

Just guess. Seriously. Do it.

Ok, fine...

It's me!

I thought maybe I should write in my little blog again since it is a special occasion. Well two actually. The first being the very first Martha Stewart Cupcake Club entry! That's right. I finally joined a blog community and an awesome one at that (naturally). Basically the sitch is we'll be baking a recipe from Martha Stewart Cupcakes on the 15th of each month. Betty from Eat My Cupcake is the genius behind this fabulous group so make sure to pay her blog a visit!

The second special occasion is my birthday! August 15th. My birthday. The day of my birth. Birth-Day. Feliz Cumpleanos. Ok you get the idea.

You can imagine my joy when Martha's Chocolate Salted-Caramel Cupcakes were chosen for MSC this month since the due date happened to fall on my birthday. Thus, these little babies are doubling as my birthday cake this year!

And what do ya know? I happen to have a little crush on salted caramel at the moment.

P.S. Please don't be too jealous of the super high quality pictures...*cough cough*

Martha has done it again. Another genius creation. These cupcakes are delicious! The original recipe actually called for making minis but I opted for the big boys. It's my birthday. Go big or go home.

I halved the recipe and ended up with exactly 12 regular sized cupcakes. I also halved the frosting and caramel filling and had the perfect amount! I love the combination of salty and sweet. I will say that these are pretty rich so it's best to embark on this eating adventure with the buddy system in full effect.

What's that you say? You'd like to see some more photos? Okay, okay...

Mmmm.....look at that shine.

Check out the stylish zebra cupcake liners. Trendy cupcakes.

Like ducks in a row

Now that we have all that cupcake biz-nass out of the way, I'd like to address something very important. Piping frosting. How on earth does Martha stay so clean while doing so? She's out of this world. Unreal. I mean, just look at her:

It's unnerving. Look how clean her work area is. If I were Martha, this is how my book cover photo would look:

Yes. Those brown spots are representative of frosting. And yes, I do manage to get frosting everywhere. I like to pretend I'm saving some for later...

And with that said. It's time for me to go to bed! Happy Birthday to me and happy baking to you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cookie Dough Cupcakes

I have such a love/hate relationship with cookie dough.

Before your eyes pop out of your head at the sight of the word "hate" in the same sentence as the phrase "cookie dough," let me explain. I have a nasty habit of taste testing cookie dough to an extreme. We're talking serious quality control that results in major stomach aches. In fact, I had some left over cookie dough hiding in my freezer that I just dipped (more like cannon-balled) into and am now reaping the benefits.

I guess you could say my moments of hate are self induced, but for some reason I've never quite learned my lesson. Weird how that happens...

This weekend it was one of E's nephew's third birthday. I've been dying to make Cookie Dough Cupcakes and I thought this sounded like the perfect opportunity!

Feast your eyes on this:

Hmmm...I'm beginning to see a trend with my cupcake decorating!

These cupcakes were actually really easy to dream up and create! I grabbed a basic vanilla cupcake recipe from How To Eat A Cupcake and some cookie dough from the grocery store. I know, I know...I could have made the cookie dough myself, but I guess I got a little lazy. :)

I rolled the cookie dough into quarter size balls and put them in the freezer overnight to make sure they were completely frozen. This ensured that the cookie dough would really stay doughy during the cupcake baking process!

The next morning I got up bright and early to whip together the cupcake batter...

Isn't it just gorgeous? I never thought batter could be so attractive.

I filled each cupcake liner about half full and then dropped a ball of frozen cookie dough in the center. In my oven, each batch took about 20 minutes to bake and here's how they turned out:

The kitchen smelled like heaven. E and I didn't even wait for the cupcakes to cool before we dove into one. The vanilla cupcake was perfectly sweet and the cookie dough was still a little gooey.

I decided to top the cupcakes with a basic chocolate buttercream and a little cookie, but I think vanilla buttercream would also work well!

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oreo Cupcakes!

Let's get one thing straight.

I love cupcakes. I really do. I think they are fantastic. Adorable even. A joy to bake and something that brings a smile to any sane human being. Which is why a few Fridays ago I settled down for a quiet evening baking some homemade Oreos to turn into Oreo Cupcakes (adapted from Cupcake Project's incredible Oreo Cupcakes with a built-in cup of milk!).

Homemade Oreos have changed my world. I always hate to eat anything packed with preservatives and possessing an ingredient list that looks more like the periodic table than food. So these "Oreos" are a perfect solution. Plus, the dough is phenomenal. I swear I ended up eating a good third of it. I mean...purely for quality control purposes, right?

I decided to use my Oreos in cupcakes. Of course. What else would I do with them?? :)

Now, once in awhile I have a little kitchen disaster. And by once in awhile, I mean pretty often. I have a tendency to multitask and forget about things. I'm not quite sure what happened this time, but when I went to check on the cupcakes halfway through the baking time, they were rising and they were rising FAST. I mean, these babies were on a mission to the top and there was no way they were going to slow down.

Pretty, right?

After a minor stress/freaking out/tantrum fit, I perservered and I'm happy to say the little cakes turned out beautifully. Now, please erase the image of the above cupcakes from your mind and feast your eyes on the following:

Please note Buddha in the background :)

My new cupcake boxes!

In other news, I was hired to bake cupcakes for one of my co-worker's wedding on June 6th! Thus, I've been making cupcakes like crazy ever since. Check back for cookie dough cupcakes in a few days :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Precious Chicks

Remember Easter? That holiday that took place a few weeks ago? Well, I made these little friends that weekend...

Having discovered the incredible cake truffles on Bakerella, I definitely had to try them out for myself. Of course, my skills definitely need some fine-tuning. I can't believe how smooth her coating is! That woman is full of pure talent. You can check out her chicks and the recipe here to see what I was going for!

Meanwhile...let me introduce you to The Funky Bunch.

This is the pride and joy. You know, THAT guy...the golden child...always picked first...all the girls love him. You hate to love him.

This little chick has a tendency to be a little too intense. That guy that gets stressed out over everything. "Ohmygosh, is there SALT in this??? Don't you know sodium is bad for you?!" Oh my...

Maybe this little guy spent a little too much time with Mr. Intense and CRACKED under the pressure. Get it? Get it? I'll be here all night.

E spent a good amount of time peering over my shoulder asking questions so I decided to let him join in. Here's his special creation. We're so proud of him. :)

Cold season? I think he might need a tissue...

And finally...this is what happens when you've made about 40 cake truffles.

This was my first experience with cake truffles and I must say, they are amazingly delicious. Even though it can be a little difficult to make the cake pops look perfect, they are well worth the effort. Perfect for special occasions and gifts!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

No-Bake Raspberry Truffle Tart

We all know and love her. That pessimistic woman inside all of us. I thought she had gone into hibernation with the arrival of Spring, but I was sadly mistaken...

Debbie Downer reared her ugly head with full force today.

What brought on this bout of double D action? Spiders. Or, to be more exact, one voluptuous spider.

There I was, minding my own business at the good old nine-to-five ready to embark on some serious filing action. I opened a cupboard to grab a folder and BAM. Spider. Two inches from my hand. Fat. Short legs, round body. Scurrying toward me.

I immediately crushed him.

A major freak-out session followed. One of those times when your entire body feels like it's covered in spiders. For as long as I can remember, I've had this paranoia that when I kill a spider, his little spider "brothers" are waiting in dark corners to avenge his death. I just imagine them coming after me while I'm sleeping...

This is why I hate Spring. Forget the onset of beautiful flowers and warm weather. Forget the sunshine and chirping birds. Spring means spider season. I had almost managed to forget they existed, but they're back.

Alright. Enough Debbie Downer for one day.

A few weeks ago, I made these No-Bake Raspberry Truffle Tarts as part of The Mixing Bowl Easter Dessert Contest. I kind of just threw a bunch of elements I enjoy together and I think they turned out pretty cute and delicious!


Graham Cracker Crust:
1 1/2 c fine graham cracker crumbs
1/2 c melted butter

Dark Chocolate Truffles:
1/2 c heavy whipping cream
8 oz chopped bittersweet (70%) chocolate
1 t vanilla extract

Raspberry Cheesecake:
1 c marscapone cheese
1/2 c heavy whipping cream
2 T honey
Juice of 1 lime
3 c mashed fresh raspberries


1. Mix together graham cracker crumbs and melted butter.

2. Spray the cups of a 12 muffin/cupcake tin with vegetable or canola oil until well greased.

3. Line each cup with a strip of wax paper so that it hangs over the sides of each cup. This helps with removal of the tarts before serving.

4. Press the butter/graham cracker mixture into each cup using the back of a small spoon. Make sure the crust evenly covers the bottom and sides of each cup. Place pan in the fridge to set while preparing the truffle mixture.

5. In a small saucepan, bring the heavy whipping cream to barely a simmer.

6. Pour the heated cream over the chopped chocolate in a heat-proof bowl and let it sit for about 5 minutes to melt the chocolate.

7. Once the chocolate is melted, add the vanilla and whisk the mixture until it appears smooth and shiny. Remove the graham cracker crusts from the fridge and spoon about 1 tablespoon of the truffle mixture into each cup (or put enough truffle mixture in each cup so that it is half full). Place the pan back into the fridge to set while putting together the raspberry cheesecake mixture.

8. In a small bowl, whip the heavy cream until it holds soft peaks.

9. Add the marscapone and mix until smooth. Then fold in the honey, lime, and raspberries.

10. Remove the graham cracker crusts with truffles from the fridge and spoon about 1 tablespoon of the raspberry cheesecake mixture into each cup (or until each crust is filled).

11. Place the pan back in the fridge and allow the tarts to set for about two hours.

Enjoy! :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Peanut Butter Cookies

I would experience a severe case of depression if I ever developed a peanut allergy. My heart aches for all the peanut intolerant people in the world. I usually go through a whole jar of peanut butter every two weeks. To me, nothing is better than settling down with a good PB & J (heavy on the PB) and tuning into The Food Network. I love you Paula Deen. Shout out to my best friend Ina. What's that Alton Brown? You'd like to delve into the world of biscuits? Yes please, sir.

I digress. Peanut butter...back to peanut butter.

I've been wanting to bake a batch of cookies for quite some time and I recently came across a peanut butter cookie recipe that intrigued me. It contains only three ingredients. Yes, three! I doubted the cookies would be any good, but I had to give it a whirl to see for myself.

3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies
(My changes in red)

1 c sugar (I used organic brown sugar)
1 egg
1 c peanut butter- crunchy or creamy (I used organic unsalted creamy peanut butter)
About 1 T ground cinnamon
Sea salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all the ingredients together until well combined. Roll into balls and place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Using the back of a fork, press into the dough twice in opposite directions to create a criss-cross pattern.

Before pressing the balls of dough with a fork, I sprinkled some sea salt on top for some crunch and because I love the combination of salty-sweet things. I also added a little bit of cinnamon into the dough just to add another dimension.

Okay, okay. So it ended up being more than three ingredients with my additions, but I really think my changes added a little something extra. Not that I'm biased or anything. :)

Did I mention these little babies are gluten free?

What are you waiting for? Go grab your PB, an egg, and some sugar and crank out a batch of peanut buttery goodness.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cream Cheese Buns

I have an announcement to make...


This is wonderful! I can get back to baking finally. I just need to make more friends to sample my experiments because I'm thinking my roommates won't be too happy if I'm whipping out cookies and cakes every week.

Want to be friends?

Last weekend I spent all day Saturday baking up a frenzy in my mom's kitchen. I hate baking in my kitchen. Our house is 100 years old and I'm pretty sure the kitchen hasn't been updated since 1909. Okay...maybe I'm exaggerating but it IS pretty crusty.

I began my bake-a-palooza with a dozen delicious blackberry cream cheese buns.


I found the recipe for raspberry cream cheese buns on Bake or Break and I am SO glad I decided to try them out. Of course, I tried to put my own little spin on things and used blackberry preserves instead of raspberry (aka my mom only had blackberry preserves for me to steal from her fridge).

Just look at them. Cute little buns waiting for the oven swirled with blackberry goodness.

Note: I got a little overzealous and filled the muffin cups way too much. I would suggest probably only filling them about halfway unless you want "muffin tops." But then again, who doesn't love a good muffin top? :)

The buns are seriously easy to make and are PERFECT for breakfast. I didn't find them to be too sweet and they are definitely less dense than a traditional muffin or bun. I would say they are a "must try" for every baker out there!

Enjoy! :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Carrot Cake Pancakes with Maple Cream Cheese Topping

Today, Seattle finally decided it was time to take off its rain jacket and put on the over-sized sunglasses today. These are the days when I look around the city and can't imagine ever living anywhere else.

...then I remember that 75% of the time clouds and drizzly rain blanket my world. Sigh.

BUT there are those precious days like today when the temperature gauge gets a workout and struggles up to 68 degrees. I can't help but chuckle to myself as the city suddenly becomes packed with eerily pale people who clearly hibernate for a majority of the year.

Oh wait. I'm one of those people.

I'm also one of those people with a special love for all things breakfast. And if breakfast was a kingdom, pancakes would be the king. The all mighty. The creme de la creme. The reigning deity.

Ok. You get the picture.

I usually try to whip up a breakfast creation (usually pancakes) every Sunday morning for E and I. After hearing about my Sunday brunches for quite awhile, my mom requested one of her own so we made the trek to her house on Saturday night.

My mom loves nuts, organic foods, carrot cake, and basically anything delicious (but who doesn't...silly). I browsed my favorite food blogs for awhile before I came across this absolute gem from Joy the Baker (who, by the way, is sensational!):

Carrot Cake Pancakes!!!

Ahhh. Drool. Just the memory of this morning's feast makes me want some more.

I tried to put my own spin on the recipe and used all organic ingredients to max the "healthy factor." Also, I tried to cut down on the sugar to make it less "dessert-y" and thus, less against my Lent pledge! Below is the recipe for both the pancakes and the cream cheese topping and my alterations in parenthesis.

Note: These babies are filling! I mean, I can usually pack away my fair share of food and I was struggling after two pancakes. On top of that, both E and I were full for about eight hours after brunch. Amazing!

Carrot Cake Pancakes:
  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour (I used organic whole wheat flour)
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped pecans (I used finely diced walnuts)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger (I used pumpkin pie spice)
  • Dash nutmeg
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1/3 cup packed brown or granulated sugar
  • 1 cup milk (I used soy milk)
  • 2 cups finely grated carrots
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cream Cheese Topping:
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 dash ground cinnamon

In a bowl, combine flour, walnuts, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, pumpkin pie spice, and nutmeg.

In a separate bowl, combine egg, brown sugar, milk, carrots, and vanilla; mix well.

Stir flour mixture into wet ingredients until combined. Pour batter by the 1/3 cupful onto a greased griddle. Turn when bubbles form on the top of the pancake. Flip, and cook until golden brown.

For cream cheese topping, blend cream cheese, maple syrup, vanilla, and cinnamon until smooth.

Spread topping on pancakes just before serving. Enjoy! :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Contest


Here's the deal. I'm planning on entering a contest for Creative Easter Desserts and I want your input!

What are some ideas for cute Easter desserts?

New York

It's official.

I love Saturday mornings.

The first morning of the week I'm able to stay in bed for as long as I want to and it's pure magic.

I spent last weekend feasting in New York. What is it about New York City that makes it so enticing? It seems like everyone that visits always becomes addicted and wants to go back for more. I found myself walking around the city trying to mimic the "natives" to try in blend in some more. To me this meant plastering a look of annoyance on my face and always walking unnecessarily fast through crowds.

It must have worked because someone asked me for subway directions. Score one for Natalie. I, of course, acted appropriately nonchalant while dishing out my directions. Come to think of it, she probably never made it home. Hmmm...

The entire time we were in New York, we were surrounded with sweet treats and, as we know, I am unable to eat those until next weekend (!!!!!). However, I basically forced E to try every cupcake we came across so I could smell it and poke at the cake to test its moisture. Creepy.

Look at those cuties! We stumbled across Baked by Melissa while wandering around Soho. The cupcakes are the size of a quarter! So precious. We (and by we I mean E) also sampled a famous Magnolia cupcake. From what I felt, I poked at the frosting and cake more than a few times, I wasn't too impressed. I guess I'm just a devoted Trophy fan after all.

I am already planning another trip back to the Big Apple...and next time, I WILL be sampling EVERYTHING.

Only a little over a week until I can safely bake again! Stay on the edge of your seats...

Tomorrow I'm making brunch at my mom's house. Carrot-y goodness is sure to follow.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My New Favorite Commercial

Every morning while I'm getting ready for work, I turn on the Today Show for some background noise slash entertainment. Usually, I tune out half of what is going on since I wake up at the very latest time possible BUT this commercial quickly caught my attention:

Can I please just paste my face onto hers?

Actually...that might be a little creepy, but I swear this is exactly what my "Aha Moment" would be!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Muddy Buddy Monday

Well, it's Monday.

I think that pretty much says it all. Plus, the weather today promises to be rainy and cold. Isn't it supposed to be Spring?

I definitely think today is a "Muddy Buddy Monday". I can't imagine anything better than mixing up a batch of Muddy Buddies after work and settling down for a great evening watching "Dancing With The Stars." (My not-so-secret guilty pleasure)

Chex® Muddy Buddies®
Taken from the Betty Crocker Website

9cups Corn Chex®, Rice Chex®, Wheat Chex® or Chocolate Chex® cereal (or combination)
1cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2cup peanut butter
1/4cup butter or margarine
1teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2cups powdered sugar

Into large bowl, measure cereal; set aside.

In 1-quart microwavable bowl, microwave chocolate chips, peanut butter, and butter uncovered on High 1 minute; stir. Microwave about 30 seconds longer or until mixture can be stirred smooth. Stir in vanilla. Pour mixture over cereal, stirring until evenly coated. Pour into 2-gallon resealable food-storage plastic bag.

Add powdered sugar. Seal bag; shake until well coated. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Store in airtight container in refrigerator.

The whole process only takes about 15 minute. Simple, sweet, and addictive! Such a throwback to childhood.

Variations to the recipe could be to add a half cup of peanuts, replace the chocolate chips with peanut butter chips, or for peanut allergies, replace the peanut butter with more chocolate instead.

Hmmm...maybe a Muddy Buddy cupcake will be in the works?

Happy snacking!

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